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How to draw a wedding cartoon! And Carolitaland meets Monsterland!

Emma Allen, the illustrious Cartoon/Humor Editor at The New Yorker, interviewed me on how to draw wedding cartoons, on being/not being invited to weddings, getting/not getting married, and what is funny (what's not?) about the insanity of weddings. Just click on the cartoon below to watch:


There is a transcript below the video if you (like me) don't love videos, but the video is worth watching if only to watch my drawing speeded up to amusing speeds by the wonderful editors Christopher Hwisu Kim, Sara Joe Wolansky, Soo-Jeong Kang and Brian Redondo. Added, admittedly dubious, bonus: learning that I apparently still laugh like a dorky seventh-grader.

Another thing I just learned about was the appearance of my Kingston O+ Festival installation in an episode of Monsterland! I expected the film crew to erase my work for the shoot, but it seems they kept it, and so my work is immortalised! For now, at least, if you click on the screengrab below, it'll take you to one of the scenes in which my work appears (it appears earlier, about 6 minutes into the whole episode, as well). See previous post about O+ Festival for details on the installation.




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